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State Policy to Preserve Historical Memory of Russia’s Citizens: Legal Aspect
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Abstract: The article argues the need for activation of work on development of Russian civil identity; the necessity and importance of purposeful activity of federal and regional authorities and educational organizations in historical memory preservation as significant direction in patriotic education of youth and formation of civil identity of the people of Russia are described; regulations of the Russian Federation and Sverdlovsk region forming legislative basis for the system of patriotic education of youth, preservation of spiritual and moral values and historical memory of citizens of Russia are mentioned. The article names the educational organizations and public associations which carry out activity in the sphere of patriotic education and preservation of historical memory. Project technology is an effective tool used in patriotic education and commemoration practices of young people. It is based on cooperation and social partnership between educational establishments, authorities, governmental institutions and non-profit organizations; it combines traditional and innovative elements in educational work which contribute to development of children and young people, increases the quantity and improves the means and ways of historical memory preservation, as an important direction in education of young people for whom patriotism becomes the natural and conscious quality of personality causing the need to work for the country and its people.
Key words: Historical memory; patriotic education; youth; civil identity; patriotism; civic consciousness; standards and legal documents; project technology; patriotic projects; project activity; project method.
For citation
Popp, I. A. State Policy to Preserve Historical Memory of Russia’s Citizens: Legal Aspect / I. A. Popp, I. S. Shakhnovich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №12. – P. 42-49.