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The Features of Motivation of Educational Organizations Employees
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Abstract: At present, the problem of motivation of employees of any organization is very urgent. The problem of incentives has not been solved yet at the administrative level and in each organization it is up to Director to decide who should get incentive payment. But in the field of bonuses and rewards individual approach to motivation should be applied, that helps to motivate all employees to work effectively. The article considers the peculiarities of labor motivation of employees of educational organizations, it defines the concept of "motivation", "labor motivation", and "motivated employee". The definition of “Labour motivation” given by A.S. Udalov and N.A. Udalova meets the needs of this research; it sais that “Labour motivation is a process of motivating of a certain employee or a group of employees aimed at efficient performance of the duties. The influence of motivation on a person’s behavior is not universal and it depends on many factors, such as motives, needs and stimulus”. V. I. Gerchikov's "Motivation Assessment Test” wasused to identify the type of motivation. Indicators of motivation types of employees of preschool educational institutions, municipal educational organizations and other educational organizations of secondary and additional education are compared. Based on the results of the study, the differences in the types of motivation, forms of stimulation and the level of initiative of employees are analyzed.
Key words: Motivation sphere; labour motivation; educational establishments; pedagogical diagnostics; technological models.
For citation
Vorobyova, M. A. The Features of Motivation of Educational Organizations Employees / M. A. Vorobyova, M. Y. Dvornikova, E. S. Zhuravleva, K. V. Tereshchenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №5. – P. 74-80.