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Mission of a Teacher: Sub Spesia Alternitatis...
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the process of forming value notions of the deal of a Russian teachers and his high social destination. This problem is examined in the broad social and educational context. The author pays attention to the role of a teacher and his genesis and development of pedagogical reality. These factors provide evolution of the cultural, social and educational values. The author is sure that retrospective historical and pedagogical analysis of the value component of teachers work lets substantiate missionary function of the teachers. Genesis of this function is caused by evolution of social consciousness, collective identification and integration of the teachers as a social and professional group.
Key words: The ideal of the teacher; the mission of the duties of a teacher; the genesis of duties of a teacher as the social-professional group; the role of a teacher; evolution of the cultural; social and educational values.
For citation
Utkin, A. V. Mission of a Teacher: Sub Spesia Alternitatis... / A. V. Utkin // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2010. – №3. – P. 140-150.