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Professional Competence and Civil Responsibility of University Students
- Hits: 297
- Рубрика: REVIEWS
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Abstract: The author of article reviews the book «Development of civil activity of students of pedagogical high schools» (B. M. Igoshev and L. J. Rubina). There is the conception of development of civil participation and social responsibility of youth in a high school life. Public or civil participation of the population is a necessary condition of a civil society. In the book are presented the analysis of sociopolitical activity and the detailed program of development of civil participation of students.
Key words: Citizenship; civil society; civil activity; socialization; individualization, students.
For citation
Pryamikova, E. V. Professional Competence and Civil Responsibility of University Students / E. V. Pryamikova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2010. – №3. – P. 190-194.