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The Problem of the Elimination of Illiteracy of the Adult Population of the Ural in the Second Half of the XIX Century
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Abstract: This paper is devoted to the problem of elimination of illiteracy of the adult population of the Ural at the second half of the XIX-th century. This process started due to foundation of the zemstvo in Russia. On these self-government organs own initiative without financial assessment from the state different forms of enlightenment appeared: Sunday grammar school, public lectures, public libraries and so on. All these measures raised the level of the education of the Ural population.
Key words: The adult population; Sunday grammar school; literacy; zemstvo; elimination of illiteracy; public lecture; public library; the level of the education.
For citation
Elisafenko, M. K. The Problem of the Elimination of Illiteracy of the Adult Population of the Ural in the Second Half of the XIX Century / M. K. Elisafenko // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2010. – №4. – P. 23-30.