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Stylistics and Standard of Russian Speech: Developing Skills of Speech Correction, Speech and Behavior Adaptation of Chinese Students
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- Рубрика: REVIEWS
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Abstract: This is a review of the textbook by Yu. A. Antonova, N.B. Ruzhentseva, Li. Mihn published at the Ural State Pedagogical University in 2011. Analyzed are principles of compilation of the textbook, skills that contribute to developing language and cultural competences of Chinese students studying Russian as a foreign language on the basic level. The work by Yu. A. Antonova, N. B. Ruzhentseva, Li. Mihn is characterized from the point of view of its contribution to national-oriented lingo-didactics of Russian as a foreign language and its role in development of dialogue between cultures and peoples of China and Russia.
Key words: Russian as a foreign language; lingo-didactics; stylistics; standard of speech; types of mistakes; dialogue; monologue; literary norm.
For citation
Lizhi, Vahn. Stylistics and Standard of Russian Speech: Developing Skills of Speech Correction, Speech and Behavior Adaptation of Chinese Students / Vahn Lizhi
// Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2011. – №5. – P. 251-254.