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Perpetuation of the Memory of the Defenders of Motherland Killed in the WWII as a Form of Military and Patriotic Upbringing of Young People
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Abstract: The question of perpetuation of the memory of the defenders of Motherland killed in the WWII as a form of patriotic upbringing of young people is discussed.
Key words: Perpetuation of the memory of the defenders of Motherland killed in the WWII; archives; documents; military history of Russia; social database «Memorial»; military graves; patriotic upbringing; modern young people; military duty; searching movement (search activity).
For citation
Yashkova, T. V. Perpetuation of the Memory of the Defenders of Motherland Killed in the WWII as a Form of Military and Patriotic Upbringing of Young People / T. V. Yashkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2011. – №3. – P. 192-197.