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Linguo-Normative Academic Competence: Grounding and Interrelations
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Abstract: The article makes a study of the linguo-normative academic competence. The term “linguo-normative academic competence” is defined, the necessity of emphasizing the linguo-normative academic subcompetence within linguist’s professional competence is grounded, correlation between the linguo-normative academic competence and other competencies within linguist’s professional competence is characterised.
Key words: Linguo-normative academic competence, linguist’s professional competence, language and speech norms, self-assess.
For citation
Rogotneva, N. S. Linguo-Normative Academic Competence: Grounding and Interrelations / N. S. Rogotneva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №1. – P. 221-223.