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To Methodological Integrity in Professional Education of a Specialist
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Abstract: Ontological paradigm enables to unite existing scientific approaches to forming and realizing a competence and metapersonal qualities of a specialist on the basis of circular processes in integrity of coexistence. Achievements of methodological integrity in sequence and interrelation of scientific approaches give an opportunity to establish and provide integrity of educational processes and their results in the process of “moving” from demands of the society for professional and full-fledged specialist as well as in the process of “moving” to the society in practical activity of a specialist.
Key words: Scientific approaches in Pedagogy; competence and social maturity of a specialist; integrity of co-existence; personal positions; another one in goal-meaningful projecting.
For citation
Gert, V. A. To Methodological Integrity in Professional Education of a Specialist / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №4. – P. 6-13.