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Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Student’s Values of Civil World at the Lessons of Foreign Languages
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Abstract: The essence of the civil world and its components as values of society in the context of pedagogical research is revealed. Values of the civil world are considered as the modern educational result achievement of which assumes creation of certain pedagogical conditions. The main pedagogical conditions of development of values of the civil world are characterized.
Key words: The civil world; the values of the civil world; pedagogical conditions of development of values of the civil world; tolerant attitude; the constructive dialogue; civil consent; the joint solution of public problems.
For citation
Provorova, O. M. Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Student’s Values of Civil World at the Lessons of Foreign Languages / O. M. Provorova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №6. – P. 175-179.