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Web 2.0 and SaaS Technologies Application in the Training of Future Informatics Teachers
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Abstract: High Internet-technologies afford opportunities for optimization of the process of development and application of pedagogical tests through creation of a public networked resource. A network professional association is created for development of tests considering that the resource of such association is considerably superior to individual resources of individual specialists. In the work presented here we examine the variant of application of WEB 2.0 and SaaS Internet technologies in teaching the students joint development and utilization of computer-aided tests.
Key words: Training of specialists in higher education institutions; network professional association; teaching automation; WEB 2.0 (World Wide Web); SaaS (Software as a Service) business-model; tools used for training outcomes assessment; education test; test check automation.
For citation
Mamontova, M. Y. Web 2.0 and SaaS Technologies Application in the Training of Future Informatics Teachers / M. Y. Mamontova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2012. – №6. – P. 64-69.