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Competence-Based Approach to Designing the Electronic Textbook of English for Psychology Students
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Abstract: The article is devoted to a question of development of methodological principles of an electronic textbook of English for students of psychology departments. The paper analyzes the drawbacks of the existing English textbooks and shows how the principle of competence-based learning can be realized in the electronic textbook of English for Specific Purposes.
Key words: Electronic textbook; English for Specific Purposes; psychology; competence-based learning; methodological principles. ABSTRACT. The article is
For citation
Balygina, E. A. Competence-Based Approach to Designing the Electronic Textbook of English for Psychology Students / E. A. Balygina, N. Y. Tokareva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №3. – P. 75-79.