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Training of Pupils in the Sphere of Art of Solo and Choral Singing on the Basis of Traditions of the Russian School of Singing
- Hits: 332
Abstract: The basic principles and methods of training of children to sing by the representatives of domestic musical culture of the last centuries and modernity are traced back. The importance of the use of the past experience in development of a musical notation, in development acoustical and singing skills is shown. Attention is paid to expediency of the use of innovative technologies of singing.
Key words: Children's voice; choral singing; digital notation; relative system of reading of the notes; the musical letter.
For citation
Chernova, L. V. Training of Pupils in the Sphere of Art of Solo and Choral Singing on the Basis of Traditions of the Russian School of Singing / L. V. Chernova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №5. – P. 192-197.