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Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Professional Foreign Language Lexical Competence of Future Mining Engineers Based on Using Informational Communication Technologies
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Abstract: The article reveals the pedagogical conditions of development of professional foreign language lexical competence of future mining engineers based on using informational communication technologies; also the paper presents the experience of using these pedagogical conditions during the training of specialists in professionally-focused education at English lessons at the Mining University.
Key words: Professional foreign language lexical competence; content of foreign language training of future mining engineers; management of the education process of foreign language professional communication; interactive methods of professional training; self-control and mutual control on the basis of lingvodidactic testing.
For citation
Bezborodova, S. A. Pedagogical Conditions of Development of Professional Foreign Language Lexical Competence of Future Mining Engineers Based on Using Informational Communication Technologies / S. A. Bezborodova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2013. – №6. – P. 23-27.