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Social Tension in Educational Sphere: Aspects of Sociological Research
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Abstract: The article examines the social conflict area in the sphere of contemporary system of education in Russia. In terms of theory, the article calls attention to researching social conflicts in different elements of educational system. This paper describes important issues on the topic and presents the results of a concrete research. Urals sociologists begin to apply their research methods in large scale-study. Our results suggest that the level of social supports in modern schools is not very low. The author analyzes significant trends in the development of social conflicts inside the system of education today.
Key words: Social tension; conflict; educational sphere; interaction; potential of conflicts.
For citation
Shalagina, E. V. Social Tension in Educational Sphere: Aspects of Sociological Research / E. V. Shalagina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №1. – P. 184-188.