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The External Studies as a Real Instrument of Education: Analysis of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation»
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Abstract: For approval of external studies as a real instrument for getting quality education, the authors propose to adopt the amendments to the Federal law «On Education in the Russian Federation», aimed at increasing the availability of external studies for all categories of learners and at increasing the state control in the form of determining the list of professions for which grounding of specialists in external studies is impossible, and to identify sources of financing for its implementation. This allows implementing the idea of qualitative self-study with regard to the interests of learners and the state, and at the same time to upgrade the education system in the general direction of modern reforms.
Key words: The external studies; intermediate and total certification in the form of the external studies.
For citation
Morozov, G. B. The External Studies as a Real Instrument of Education: Analysis of the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» / G. B. Morozov, A. A. Saderdinov, I. N. Tulyankina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №3. – P. 149-157.