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Individuality and Individualization of Man
- Hits: 306
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Abstract: Uniqueness of the person is in his universality, but similarly, universality of the person is realized by means of uniqueness. Identity of a person is also a way of active realization of a new (social) type of life in nature. Each person is a unique "individuality" viewed as a unity of the general, special and single. Individualization is a cyclic process "into" and "out of" identity, and identity is a result of cyclic processes determining subsequent ones, and, as a result, creation of a unique way and a unique combination of individualization of requirements and abilities, the purposes and meanings, knowledge and values.
Key words: Uniqueness and universality of man; individuality of man as a way of social being; individualization as a process and as a result.
For citation
Gert, V. A. Individuality and Individualization of Man / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №4. – P. 209-214.