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LSP as the Object of Teaching in the Non-linguistic University (On the Example of LSP Homoeopathy)
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of teaching the homoeopathy sublanguage (LSP) as a special nominative system in the non-linguistic university. It describes the specific nature of the LSP homoeopathy and the difficulties connected with the teaching this sublanguage. The author suggests the allocation of the thematic blocks and the typology of the texts, which should be taught.
Key words: LSP, sublanguage; language for special purposes; language for general purposes; terminology; professional communication.
For citation
Buzheninov, A. E. LSP as the Object of Teaching in the Non-linguistic University (On the Example of LSP Homoeopathy) / A. E. Buzheninov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №6. – P. 87-89.