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Variations of the Reflections of the “Language Crisis” in A. Schnitzler's Novels
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Abstract: The present article is focused on two novels written by A. Schnitzler, one of the greatest literary figures of the ―Wiener Moderne‖. They enclose also aspects of the so called ―Sprachkrise‖, i.e. the skepticism against the language as a communication medium, which developed late in the 19th century within the philosophic and literary community.
Key words: Language crisis; linguistic skepticism; communication absence; disintegration.
For citation
Dubakh, T. M. Variations of the Reflections of the “Language Crisis” in A. Schnitzler's Novels / T. M. Dubakh // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №6. – P. 26-29.