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A Business Game as a Means of Formation of the Interpreter’s Socio-Cultural and Discourse Competences
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Abstract: The author gives the definition of socio-cultural and discourse competences of interpreters, describes the conditions of formation of these competencies within a business game and provides a description of the structure of the business game The topic of the game is ―Receiving a foreign delegation in Russia‖. The components of socio-cultural and discourse competences, typical of this situation, are described.
Key words: Business game; socio-cultural and discourse competence.
For citation
Moshanskaya, E. Y. A Business Game as a Means of Formation of the Interpreter’s Socio-Cultural and Discourse Competences / E. Y. Moshanskaya // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2014. – №7. – P. 30-33.