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Philological Text Analysis: Linguo-Cultural Approach
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Abstract: The article is based on a comparative linguo-cultural study of the iconic work of American literature "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" by L. F. Baum. The key concept of the study presented in the article is the linguo-cultural type – one of the essential components relevant for understanding of a particular linguo-culture. The study reveals that a number of linguo-cultural types are represented in the genre of fairy tale. One of them is Superman – a key image of American linguo-culture. This image emerged as a logic continuation of a series of characters of American folk tales – strong, willful, brave and cool-headed pioneers who explored North America. This image is extremely popular and constantly gets new representations in American cinema and literature. Superman may be considered as a model American personality, as a role model for many Americans. A complex method of text analysis was developed in the course of the study. This method combines the methods of structural linguistics, cognitive science, and cultural analysis and can be used as a modern method in teaching the course of “Approaches to Philological Text Analysis”. Identifying linguocultural elements in the text of foreign folklore and authored literary works contributes to the formation and development of the linguo-cultural competence of future teachers of a foreign language.
Key words: Linguo-cultural competence; folklore text; philological text analysis; linguo-cultural approach; concept; model personality of American culture; linguo-cultural type of Superman; lexeme; definitional analysis; national specificity.
For citation
Kuzina, Y. V. Philological Text Analysis: Linguo-Cultural Approach / Y. V. Kuzina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №10. – P. 133-137.