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Changes of Requirements for Preschool Programs in Conditions of Modernization of Education
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Abstract: The peculiarities of organization of independent musical performance of children-singers are taken info consideration. The role of creative tasks with the use of phonograms and electronic instrumentation is shown. An experiment was conducted on the basis of children's musical school. It illustrates new possibilities of using more sophisticated means of self-control and organization of independent work of students with the help of computer, audio and video recordings. A technology of independent work on the skills formation with aspiring vocalists in institutions of further education is presented in the article. Creative tasks with the use of phonograms and musical computer technologies are in the core of the technology. The algorithm of actions of students-vocalists with the homework is constructed. The results of experiments in the conditions of extracurricular musical education of children are given. The systematic use of phonogram, music computer technology and the Internet in the classroom with the teacher and in extracurricular activities increases the level of singers‘ vocal abilities and helps to generate the skills of children singers‘ self-organization.
Key words: Musical education; art of singing; children‘s voice; independent lessons for children; singing self-control.
For citation
Zhdanova, N. E. Changes of Requirements for Preschool Programs in Conditions of Modernization of Education / N. E. Zhdanova, A. Y. Kosareva, A. A. Yashkina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2015. – №11. – P. 209-2013.