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Professional Teacher’s Standard: From Theory to Practice
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Abstract: This article analyzes the contents of the order of the Ministry of Labor on the professional standard of a teacher which is to be implemented since 01.01.2017. This order is directed to resolution of conflicts in determination of teacher’s qualification of, their functional obligations and educational system in general. On the basis of the order, the article discusses the purposes, a prototype of the professional standard, and requirements to the teacher. Special attention is paid to the all-pedagogical, educational and developing functions of the teacher whose accomplishment will allow the teacher to become the active personality. For this purpose each educational organization should provide conditions for the teacher so that he might work in different situations, perform their duties well, be responsible, could start an interesting work, train their endurance and stamina, increase stability of attention, could perform several professional operations at a time switching attention from one work to the other, alternating a type of activity and its purposes, etc. Accomplishment of professional functions of the teacher is directly connected with implementation of pedagogical technologies. The article gives the definition of pedagogical technology and describes subsidiary functional duties of the teacher, integrative indicators of assessment of the teacher’s activities to correspond to one of four qualification levels: 1) knowledge-based, practice-accumulative; 2) practice-oriented, organizational and creative; 3) practice-diagnostic, based on teaching methods; 4) research-based, managing, experimental, tutorial. Allocation of the level depends on education, work experience and advanced training of the teacher. The results of the new standard implementation will be personification of the model of advanced training, review of job responsibilities with the use of the list of labor functions, new models of the procedure of certification, model of transition to the effective contract. Implementation of the order of the Ministry of Labor will allow not only to change the teacher's attitude to their responsibilities, but also to promote quality of the educational system.
Key words: Professional standards; teacher, teaching; job duties; professional competences; areas of work; pedagogical technologies; educational technologies; professional development.
For citation
Popova, N. E. Professional Teacher’s Standard: From Theory to Practice / N. E. Popova, O. A. Eremina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №3. – P. 15-21.