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Conceptual Bases of Professional Mobility of Master’s Degree Students During Internship
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Abstract: The article discusses methodological bases and principles of formation of professional mobility of Master’ Degree students during their internship, which determine readiness of the person to quick adaptation to the chosen profession, labour market and the change of profession. This concept is analyzed in the frames of the educational program “Pedagogical Education” 44.04.01. The article provides definition to the notion “professional mobility of Master’s degree student”; its content and structure are described. It is argued that professional mobility of a Master’s degree student is a professional-personal trait, which manifests itself in formation of motivational-reflexive, cognitive and activity components. To illustrate the conceptual ideas of the research, the article provides the structural model of formation of professional mobility of Master’ Degree students during internship, which includes three components: goal-oriented, content-oriented and evaluative-resultative. The goal-oriented component determines the goal, methodological approaches (systemic, competence-based and activity) and the principles of educational process (usefulness, variability, multifunctionality). The content-oriented component of the model determines the kinds of activity and the competences, which a Master’s degree student should acquire during their internship to form professional mobility. Some tasks given to the students during internship are shown in the article; they, on the one hand, satisfy the requirements of the educational standard, and, on the other hand, meet the requirements of potential employers. The evaluative-resultative component of the model contains data for evaluation by external reviewers (scientific advisor and experts), and the lists for self-evaluation by the student. The article describes conditions in which formation of professional mobility of Master’ Degree students is efficient, and thus the model, worked out in this research, functions well.
Key words: Professional mobility of Master’s degree student; federal state educational standard; types of professional activity; internship; competences; competence; model
For citation
Galaguzova, Y. N. Conceptual Bases of Professional Mobility of Master’s Degree Students During Internship / Y. N. Galaguzova, O. I. Knyazeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №8. – P. 20-26.