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Pedagogical Potential of the Regional Musical Culture
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Abstract: The regional component is an integral part of the content of the Humanities and Arts at school. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards, the questions of spiritual culture of different regions in Russia become the subject of the study and the basis for the personal development of students. The study of regional musical culture is an integral part of the content of education in the subject area "Art". It becomes a connecting link between the best achievements of the world culture and their influence on the culture of the region: by means of introduction into cultural traditions of different countries and peoples, including regional; by means of musical performance; by means of appeals to the world art experience and actualization of the meanings of national and regional culture. The article discusses the most significant phenomena of the musical culture of the Urals. The method of research is discourse analysis, which allows to consider cultural phenomena in their contextual dependence. A variety of music genres, bands and singers, as well as inclusion in the national and global context, allows us to consider them not only as phenomena of the musical life of the region, but as the basis to arouse the interest to the musical culture of the younger generation. The article describes forms and methods to include the phenomena of regional culture into the content of education.
Key words: Musical culture; pedagogical potential; forms work; methods of work; pupils; regional aspect.
For citation
Murzina, I. Y. Pedagogical Potential of the Regional Musical Culture / I. Y. Murzina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2017. – №9. – P. 5-11.