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Problems of Financing of Rural General Education Schools and Village Schools for Adults in the 1920s in the Urals
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-01-01
Abstract: The article examines the problem of financing of rural secondary schools and education centers for adults in the Urals in the 1920s, when the modernization processes in our country required a significant increase in the general literacy of the population, primarily in the rural areas. The need for accelerated reforms in the economy limited the ability of the state to finance other areas, which made it necessary to take emergency measures, including allocating funds for public education in the village. The authors analyze the literacy level of the peasant population in various regions of the Urals. Much attention is paid to the study of the change in attitudes towards literacy among children and adults. The results of attempts by the state authorities to solve the problem of financing of education for children and adults by attracting funds from the rural population and organizations are analyzed. Various forms and ways of attracting non-state funds to solve the problem are being studied. Financing of secondary schools and schools for adults in rural areas in the 1920s depended on the state crofting agriculture. In the beginning of the 1920s educational institutions were financed primarily by the state, while after the transition to the new economic policy it was financed from the local budget which was not enough. In the conditions of market relations, the money for education was taken from the agricultural communities and through the system of self-taxation of peasant communities. Attempts to financially stimulate teachers to work with illiterate adults faced the problem of attracting people to rural schools due to the fact that most non-literate peasants avoided studying for various reasons.
Key words: School reform; literacy of the population; rural self-government; self-taxation; cultural outing; country schools; school financing; education economy.
For citation
Bakhtina, I. L. Problems of Financing of Rural General Education Schools and Village Schools for Adults in the 1920s in the Urals / I. L. Bakhtina, M. V. Popov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №1. – P. 6-17. DOI 10.26170/po19-01-01.