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Theoretical Model of Formation of Technical University Teachers’ Skills to Design and Use Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in the System of Supplementary Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-01-17
Abstract: This article discusses the theoretical model of formation of technical university teachers’ skills to design and use innovative educational technologies in the system of supplementary education. The urgency, theoretical significance and practical value of the theoretical model considered are shown. This theoretical model is an algorithm and a navigator in the sequence of actions and procedures in the organization of the educational process for teachers of the supplementary education system. Theoretical and methodological foundations and conditions are described, according to which the theoretical model of formation of technical university teachers’ skills to design and use innovative educational technologies in the system of additional education has been worked out. The necessary and sufficient conditions of formation of technical teachers’ skills to develop and use innovative educational technologies have been proposed. The article presents the author's interpretation of the definition of the concept of “preparedness” of technical university teachers for design and use of innovative educational technologies in the system of supplementary education, which is defined as an integrative phenomenon consisting of seven functional components. A description of the structure of the theoretical model of formation of technical university teachers’ skills to work out and use innovative educational technologies in supplementary education, consisting of eleven functional and content units, each of which has its own local purpose, goals and values is given. The data on the practical implementation of the presented theoretical model are given. The recommendations on the use of the theoretical model in the system of advanced training of teachers are presented.
Key words: Pedagogical system; advanced training; innovative technologies; pedagogical technologies; innovative pedagogy; higher school teachers; technical universities.
For citation
Diri, M. I. Theoretical Model of Formation of Technical University Teachers’ Skills to Design and Use Innovative Pedagogical Technologies in the System of Supplementary Education / M. I. Diri, O. V. Yusupova, V. N. Mikhelkevich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №1. – P. 118-124. DOI 10.26170/po19-01-17.