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The Stalin Modernization and the Material and Legal Status of the Ural Teaching in the First Half of The 1930s
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-04-01
Abstract: The article consider the issues of social status and real working and living conditions of the Urals in the first half of the 1930s in the conditions of complete collectivization. Problem of comparing the declarative and actual situation of the village school workers is important. The authors come to the conclusion that to solve the problem of social security, to improve the material status of teachers only by administrative and command methods in the early 1930s was impossible. In the conditions of a budget deficit, the state tried to shift the costs of ensuring the material situation of teachers in rural areas to collective farms, public organizations, and consumer co-operation bodies in the cities, obliging their leaders to allocate funds, without taking into account the existing financial possibilities. Of course, a positive significance was the increase in wages to teachers, attempts to create bonus funds for teachers — these measures stimulated their work. However, this situation could not be drastically improved. There is no reason to assert that the rural teacher in the Urals was socially protected in the early 1930s, although measures were taken to improve the material and legal status of pupils on the part of the party-Soviet leadership. The article addresses the issues and the material situation of urban teachers in the Urals region. Researchers conclude that delays in salary payments and housing shortages were typical for the entire Urals region. Attaching urban educators to special closed distributors for food supply, at first glance, should have facilitated their existence, but in most cases they did not take advantage of these “benefits”, because food prices in them were higher than in private trade.
Key words: General education; teachers; collective farms; industrialization; collectivization; hunger; material and legal status; Stalin era; general educational institutions.
For citation
Protasova, E. E. The Stalin Modernization and the Material and Legal Status of the Ural Teaching in the First Half of The 1930s / E. E. Protasova, M. V. Suvorov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №4. – P. 6-14. DOI 10.26170/po19-04-01.