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About Readiness for Project Activity in Preschool Education
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DOI: 10.26170/po19-08-07
Abstract: The article reveals the aspects of readiness for the implementation of project activities in the field of education. The general design approaches are considered, where the stages of project development are highlighted: analysis of the situation (with identification, clarification of the problem), definition of the concept (goal-setting), activity planning, mobilization of necessary resources, the actual implementation of the project (methods for achieving the goal), monitoring the implementation of the project and evaluating progress , if necessary, building the project’s potential, achieving the result and analyzing it. In addition, the specifics of project activities in the field of preschool education are presented both at the level of requirements of the relevant educational standard, and at the level of readiness of subjects to implement the aforementioned requirements. The authors note that not every child of preschool age can act as a designer. For this, he lacks the necessary knowledge, the level of ownership of relevant resources – materials, methods of activity, abstract thinking, life experience (to determine the risk zone, for example), etc. In order for the child to fully participate in the project activity with adults, appropriate skills, in particular, algorithmic skills, must be formed. For their formation in preschool children, a special technique is used, which involves three stages: the formation in children of the ability to perform linear algorithms; the formation in children of the ability to compose and execute various algorithms; consolidation of acquired skills in educational, gaming and design activities. Having mastered these algorithmic skills, the preschooler will be able to be more productively involved in the implementation of projects. But educators, as subjects of project activities, also need to be prepared for such work, as evidenced by the results of a survey of preschool teachers. Designing, which is based, inter alia, on the algorithmization of activity, is today a sociocultural trend, for the awareness and adoption of which it is necessary to prepare an individual, starting from the level of preschool education.
Key words: Project activities; project method; preschoolers; algorithmic skills; preschool educational institutions.
For citation
Voronina, L. V. About Readiness for Project Activity in Preschool Education / L. V. Voronina, E. V. Korotaeva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2019. – №8. – P. 50-56. DOI 10.26170/po19-08-07.