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Participation of Teachers in the Work of Scientific and Local Legal Organizations of the Perm Province
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-02-01
Abstract: One of the most striking manifestations of the social life of the pre-revolutionary Urals was the local history movement. Teachers took an active part in it. At the beginning of the 20th century, 7 scientific and regional studies organizations functioned in the Perm province (the provincial statistical committee, the Ural society of science lovers, the Perm scientific and industrial museum, the society of history, archeology, ethnography lovers of the Cherdynsky region, the Perm Scientific Archival Commission, the Perm diocesan church and archaeological society, Ekaterinburg Church and Archaeological Society). The members of these societies studied Russian history, archeology, ethnography, the natural wealth of the region, created museums, and engaged in educational work. An appeal to the historical memory of the people formed among the intelligentsia a sense of pride and patriotism, and became the motive for its ascetic activity. In the course of scientific and gathering activities, traditions of caring for the heritage of their predecessors developed. The rich material collected in the museums of local history societies provided the basis for professional study of the history of the region. The names of such teachers and local historians as N. K. Chupin, A. A. Dmitriev, V. N. Shishonko still make up the golden fund of the Ural historiography.
Key words: Tachers; educational activities; local history; social life; history of the Urals.
For citation
Dashkevich, L. A. Participation of Teachers in the Work of Scientific and Local Legal Organizations of the Perm Province / L. A. Dashkevich // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №2. – P. 8-13. DOI 10.26170/po20-02-01.