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Efficiency of Distance Educational Technology of Studying the Discipline “Ecological Chemistry” by Students of Medical University
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DOI: 10.26170/po20-04-15
Abstract: Time dictates the use of information technologies in medical education. Recent realities have shown that a one-step transition to distance education is impossible. A long preparatory period is required. Teaching the elective discipline “environmental chemistry”, specially created for first-year students of the pediatric faculty of the Ural State Medical University in 2011, allowed us to predict the situation and approach distance education prepared. The increasing flow of students choosing this discipline has caused the need to transfer the educational process to remote tracks. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning technologies created at the Department of General chemistry of the Ural State Medical University in the previous 2016–2019. For analysis, students studying at the department during these years were divided into three groups: the control group, which is trained according to the traditional classroom scheme, the experimental group, whose students in 50% of cases had the opportunity to use newly created computer learning tools (videos, tests and remote access controls, etc.) and the remote group, which receives material only for distance education in 2020. Evaluation of the effectiveness of distance educational technologies was carried out by means of a survey of students and based on the results of boundary control. The experimental skills obtained by students of the distance group are on the same level, and in some cases exceed the skills obtained by students of other groups. The performance of students in the distance group was higher than in the other two comparison groups. Distance education technologies are quite effective when they are carefully prepared and tested for effectiveness over a long period of time.
Key words: Distance learning technologies; distance learning; medical students; environmental chemistry; medical education; academic disciplines.
For citation
Moiseeva, L. V., Belokonova, N. A., Ermishina, E. Yu., et al. (2020). Efficiency of Distance Educational Technology of Studying the Discipline “Ecological Chemistry” by Students of Medical University // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2020. – №4. – P. 121-128. DOI 10.26170/po20-04-15.