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Confucian Tradition and Modern Teacher Education: Issues and Challenges
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Abstract: Teacher education is not only an integral part of the national educational system, but also assumes a special mission for its rest indispensable portions. Chinese education being rooted deeply in its unique cultural tradition, its principles, objectives, contents, methodologies have all been impacted to a great extent by its Confucian tradition. To date, China’s teacher education is confronted with some special issues and challenges caused by many big changes taking place in present age. Such issues and challenges include: educational globalization and cultural identification; diversified value and ideal rebuilding; democracy in education and the teacher-student relationship; developing students’ critical thinking and fostering students’ initiative spirit and practical competences.
Key words: Confucian tradition; educational traditions; educational globalization; pedagogical education; diversified values; critical thinking.
For citation
Guopin, W. Confucian Tradition and Modern Teacher Education: Issues and Challenges / W. Guopin, W. Benyu // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 83-89 .