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Women and Leadership: Challenges Ahead
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Abstract: Role models are essential in enabling women to imagine potential ways of envisioning their dreams and to help them gain trust in themselves. There is still a sense of what constitutes a gender-appropriate discipline in many high and low income countries, with worldwide concern about the underrepresentation of women in the STEM subjects. Men predominate in subjects related to engineering, manufacturing and construction, math and computer science. Yet two-thirds to three-quarters of graduates in the fields of health, welfare, and education are women. The reason women are so under-represented in higher education is that too few women hold the advanced degrees necessary to qualify them for prestigious leadership positions. Moreover, education materials often perpetuate the gender-bias that some careers and certain responsibility levels are more suitable for males. Women frequently share these stereotypes and accept uncritically roles which leave them marginalised and with limited career prospects. The data in the paper describe balance and degree of gender equality in the community, in the work place and in politics.
Key words: Leadership; women; higher education; gender diversity; gender equality; human rights.
For citation
Corat, S. G. Women and Leadership: Challenges Ahead / S. G. Corat // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 68-71.