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The Record of Individual Educational History and Educational Life
- Hits: 318
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Abstract: More generally, Educational record refers to the educator's daily and weekly record and so on. Strictly speaking, educational record is the record of the harvest and accumulation of educational significance itself, which is the "precipitation" and "salvage" of individual educational history of the educator or the absorption of educational life. The Record of individual educational history which is created and practiced by the educator is spirit and essence of educational life. It is neither disciplinary pedagogy nor application of the corresponding educational theory in the framework of "theory - practice". The educational record itself is not only the educational history of limited life, but also the pedagogy of all life. Writing educational record is a serious undertaking in parallel with educational life.
Key words: Individual record; teachers; teaching.
For citation
Xudong, Y. The Record of Individual Educational History and Educational Life / Y. Xudong // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 100-101.