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Engaging Students in Quality Assessment of Education Process as a Form of Development of Leadership Qualities of Future Teachers
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Abstract: Interaction with students as principal customers and consumers of education services becomes especially urgent with regard to the involvement of the Russian education system in the global processes of quality assessment and the search for efficient methods of getting feedback from all stakeholders of the education process. Modern Russia actively develops the technologies of engaging students in the assessment of education process. The article analyzes practical work and problems of engaging the students of Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko in assessment of the quality of higher education provided by the Institute. The author discusses the experience of student participation in the inservice expertise of the basic professional educational program of the curriculum module “Form Tutor”. The results of participation are considered in the context of formation of leadership traits of the future teachers – members of the Institute education quality council, student union, student reps council, and student scientific society. The article describes the role of the organs of student self-government in the formation of feedback, analysis of its structure, and submitting the information to the Institute administration. The article contains examples of questionnaire task sheets and the questionnaire technology. The student council activity resulted in design of a system of network interaction in the area “higher education institution – secondary school” using the resources of practice-oriented education and the socio-cultural environment of the Institute. The article characterizes the main forms of network interaction. It also estimates the perspectives of further engagement of the students in the higher education system expertise.
Key words: Leadership; teacher’s training; future teachers; education quality; quality of teaching.
For citation
Chigovskaya-Nazarova, Y. A. Engaging Students in Quality Assessment of Education Process as a Form of Development of Leadership Qualities of Future Teachers / Y. A. Chigovskaya-Nazarova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 17-21.