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Psychological Assessment of Social Surfing of Young People
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Abstract: The goal of this article is to discuss the methods that are used to assess such strategy of behavior of young people as social surfing. It describes the features of social surfing that may serve as psychological markers in psychological assessment. Such markers include: changes in the structure of values; changes in cooperation and reaction models to the events in social and physical environment; changes of communication techniques and social roles of a person; change of social network and contacts; changes in leisure patterns, hobby, interests, as well as rejection of the positive experience that was obtained before the change; multiple and sharp changes in personal focus. As a result we offer a method of assessment based on cases used in the study of social surfing among young people. The stages of the method elaboration are discussed, as well as the results of preview research of a group of young people with the use of this method. The obtained results let us say that the method is quite efficient and has assessment potential in regard to social surfing and its manifestations. No doubt that this method should be perfected, but the chosen type of stimulus and the form of data collection have a lot of advantages in the assessment of such complex phenomenon as social surfing.
Key words: Social surfing; strategy; psychodiagnostics; youth; measurement method.
For citation
Vorobyova, I. V. Psychological Assessment of Social Surfing of Young People / I. V. Vorobyova, O. V. Kruzhkova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 191-196.