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Gender Leadership Disbalance in Pedagogical Education
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Abstract: The article examines the legal and practical aspects of the Russian Federation compliance with the norms of international legislation in the field of the protection of women's rights. The main instrument for addressing gender discrimination in the world is the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. To monitor compliance by the UN experts, the Gender Inequality Index has been developed. A comparative analysis of the indices of the Index shows that a characteristic feature for Russia is the discrepancy between the high level of education, the labor activity of Russian women and their low career ambitions and achievements. Energetic, strong-willed, competent Russian women quite often consciously remain in the men's shadow. Statistics show how far we are from actual equality and open opportunities for women's self-realization in the managerial sphere. A special situation has developed in the pedagogical universities. On the one hand, education in Russia is traditionally a female sphere of activity. On the other hand, the upper steps of the job ladder are occupied mainly by men. Smoothing out such imbalance is a matter of deep social changes, of development of interaction culture between people. The mechanisms for the development of gender culture in higher education are adequate personnel policy, the inclusion of a gender component in educational programs, academic conferences that enable the exchange of current information, and active involvement into international projects. The practical importance of gender education in higher education is determined by the fact that it forms a systemic knowledge of the historical nature and variability of relations between men and women, reveals to the person the hierarchy of factors on which these relations depend in a particular social system, and to some extent allows influencing these relations.
Key words: Pedagogical education; gender culture; higher education; gender equality; international law; women; women rights protection; leadership.
For citation
Shvetsova, A. V. Gender Leadership Disbalance in Pedagogical Education / A. V. Shvetsova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №1 . – P. 72-76.