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Methodological Foundations of Transprofessionalism of Subjects of Technomic Activity
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Abstract: The urgency of the problem under investigation is conditioned by the changed socio-economic conditions and the socio-technological development of the Russian economy, which has led to a significant change in the world of professions in a post-industrial society: some professions disappear, others are transformed, and still others arise for the first time. In recent years, along with the well-established concepts of “profession” and “specialty”, a new term “transfession” has been more and more extensively used in the field of professional studies to mean a kind of labor activity realized on the basis of synthesis and convergence of professional competences belonging to different specialized fields. Transprofessionalism — the ability to perform a wide range of specialized activities — serves as a professional characteristic of transfessions. The identification of socio-humanitarian technologies of the development of this integral capacity of specialists in the system of continuing education has determined the urgency of this study. The purpose of the article is to analyze and generalize the grounds and prerequisites of transprofessionalism as an integral quality of the subject of technological professions in a dynamically changing social and professional environment. The leading methods in the study of this problem are the theoretical and methodological analysis of the object and problem of research on the basis of a study and logical generalization of scientific literature, as well as hypothetical-inductive and design methods. The article argues that in the course of the development of a postindustrial society, the term “profession” loses its original meaning as an area of social division of labor, and transprofessionals capable of performing a wide range of professional activities become competitive and popular on the employment market of the population. The materials of the article may be of interest to methodologists, researchers, teachers and specialists in continuing professional education.
Key words: Transprofessionalism; methodological foundations; subjects of technomic activity; technomic activity; logico-semantic models; development of transprofessionalism; high humanitarian technologies.
For citation
Zeer, E. F. Methodological Foundations of Transprofessionalism of Subjects of Technomic Activity / E. F. Zeer, E. E. Symanyuk, D. V. Berdnikova, G. I. Borisov // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 38-47.