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On the Co-Existential Nature of Interrelationship Between Social Feelings and Needs of the Person
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Abstract: The article deals with the interrelationship between the feelings and needs of the person. On the deep level, the person’s desires (“I want”) are presented by needs. The subdivision of needs into vital and social ones allows analyzing psychological dominants and distinguishing those associated with satisfaction of needs natural for every person’s organism (sleep, thirst, food, sexual attraction, comfortable temperature) and those consisting in performing the desired continuous exit from one’s bodily boundaries to another person. In his interpretation of the co-existential nature of the feelings and needs of the person, the author places great importance not only on the anthropological principle of L. Feuerbach leading to their ontologization, but also on overcoming depersonalization of their development. The processes of self-realization, communication and sense creation are viewed upon as basic social needs of individuals generating social super-individual feelings (love and hatred, respect and contempt, confidence and guilt, compassion and indifference, etc.) and followed by them in the cyclic coexistence. Activity-based cyclic nature of coexistence makes it possible to consider not only interrelationship between vital and social needs in their minimization or maximization but also the dominance of the feelings supporting or ruining its integrity .Apart from feeling, the author suggests considering and distinguishing co-feeling in the structure of integral individual being treated as coexistence while mediating feelings through relation to another person. The dominant fixation of feelings on another person or on oneself in coexistence allows distinguishing positive and negative feelings. This classification has a strong explanatory potential in interpretation of their development and deformation. The dynamic transition from vital needs to social ones is accompanied by dynamic movement of emotions from feelings to co-feelings, and the mediation of vital needs through social ones in their realization corresponds to the mediation of emotions in the form of feelings by emotions in the form of co-feelings.
Key words: Anthropological principle; integrity of coexistence; vital needs; social needs; person; feeling; co-feeling; social feelings; dominance of feelings in coexistence.
For citation
Gert, V. A. On the Co-Existential Nature of Interrelationship Between Social Feelings and Needs of the Person / V. A. Gert // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 31-37.