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Quality Assessment of Secondary Professional Education by Students and Parents
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Abstract: The article deals with an urgent problem in the sphere of education — the analysis of the degree of consumer’s satisfaction with the quality of educational services. The article reveals the components of the quality of education. The author presents the results of interviews of parents and students of three secondary professional education institutions in Shadrinsk, Kurgan Region. College students and their parents are not only customers and consumers of educational services but also the subjects of the education process. They present their demands to the quality of the education process and assess the educational services. This is reflected in the degree of satisfaction with the quality of education. The paper is devoted to the study of satisfaction of the parents and students with the educational services. The following aspects are considered: material and technical facilities (quality of classrooms, presence of computer rooms, sports equipment, work conditions in reading rooms, technical and electronic training facilities), provision of meals, medical care, social care; professional activities of teachers (qualification in the subject, culture of speech and teaching, use of technical means in the education process); quality and evaluation criteria of students’ academic achievements; quality of the student self-government, organization of leisure, sports activities, public events, etc. The answers of the parents and the students were compared. The article makes conclusions about the requirements towards improvement of the quality of education. Urgent aspects for an empirical study of the problem of satisfaction with the quality of educational services of secondary professional education institutions have been outlined. The article argues that improvement of the quality of education is possible if only the requirements of all subjects of the market of educational services (students, parents, employers) be taken into account.
Key words: Secondary professional education; quality assessment; students; parents; satisfaction with the quality of education; education quality; educational services; management of education institution.
For citation
Belokon`, O. V. Quality Assessment of Secondary Professional Education by Students and Parents / O. V. Belokon` // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 80-86.