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Problems of Taking into Account the Level of Development of Modern Science While Forming the Content of School Disciplines (On the Example of the Subject Area “Foundations of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia”)
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Abstract: In a polemical article, on the example of the subject area "Foundations of the Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia", certain problems of formation of the content of school disciplines are considered. The authors show that the widespread practice of involving university and academic specialists in the design of the content of school education and in the process of teaching students has positive aspects, especially in the context of profiling the education of senior secondary school students. However, given a university lecturer or a representative of academic structures works with schoolchildren, this in itself does not guarantee an increase in the effectiveness of teaching. Quite often such teaching is built on the basis of university technologies and brings about increase of the cognitive burden on students, since the content of subjects in the general education school and the content of the corresponding fields of modern science are far from being the same. Scientists-researchers are inclined to look at the content of education only from the side of their subject of study. But if the main task of science is to study the surrounding world and to ensure the survival of civilization, the main task of school education is different. It consists in translation of the social experience to the younger generation in the form of knowledge, skills and visual-sensory ideas for the purposes of upbringing and development. And if an academic scientist or a higher school teacher takes on the function and responsibility of a teacher in a comprehensive school, he must first seriously master the methods of designing the content of the discipline and the technologies of teaching appropriate to the age and psychological abilities of students in order to use them competently.
Key words: Content of school textbooks; modern science; education content; school textbooks; principles of information selection; effectiveness of education; academic process; schoolchildren; spiritual and moral culture.
For citation
Benin, V. L. Problems of Taking into Account the Level of Development of Modern Science While Forming the Content of School Disciplines (On the Example of the Subject Area “Foundations of Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Peoples of Russia”) / V. L. Benin, S. V. Ryabova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 72-79.