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Development of Analytical Skills in Bachelors Of Pedagogical Education in the Process of Training to Realize the Polyartistic Approach
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Abstract: The article regards the problem of training bachelors of pedagogical education to realize the polyartistic approach to education and upbringing of children. The authors disclose the essence of the polyartistic approach at the stage of its emergence and in the modern interpretation as a holistic strategy of interaction between arts in the education of schoolchildren. The article characterizes the specific features of organization of the process of preparation of future pedagogues for realization of the polyartistic approach at two structural divisions of the Ural State Pedagogical University — Institute of Musical and Art Education and Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Childhood. The authors reveal the typical mistakes and drawbacks of realization of the polyartistic approach by future teachers in the process of training at the pedagogical university. They also substantiate the need to concentrate more attention on development of analytical skills in bachelors in the process of their training to realize the polyartistic approach. Analytical skills of the pedagogue are viewed upon in the context of the requirements of the FSES in the area “Pedagogical Education” of bachelor degree courses of various profiles. The content of the tasks focusing on the development of analytical skills in future pedagogues of the educational area “Art” in the context of their training to realize the polyartistic approach is paid special attention to. The article contains examples of algorithms of completion of the given tasks reflecting the sequence of actions of the students while revealing the peculiarities of realization of the polyartistic approach in practical musical or art education. The authors characterize the requirements to designing pedagogical process using elements of the polyartistic approach, independently worked out by the students. The article analyzes the positive results of the students’ task completion, reveals possible shortcomings, typical mistakes in project elaboration and ways of their correction.
Key words: Polyartistic approach; analytical skills; musical education; art education; pedagogical education; bachelor degree course; training future teachers.
For citation
Matveyeva, L. V. Development of Analytical Skills in Bachelors Of Pedagogical Education in the Process of Training to Realize the Polyartistic Approach / L. V. Matveyeva, S. A. Novoselov, N. G. Tagiltseva // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 144-151.