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Aesthetic Traditions in the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia
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Abstract: The Service of the Russian firefighters has always been equated with military service as they are on constant full alert to fight against fire, and bear guard service. The article highlights the importance and necessity of military rituals and traditions for the employees of the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. The aesthetic traditions of firefighters include the customs and moral rules that have evolved over the centuries. Traditions, ceremonies and rituals of EMERCOM of Russia are necessary to reflect the professional activities of firefighters and rescuers, as well as to increase the prestige of service in the State fire service. Many of the rituals and traditions of fire protection are fixed in the statutes, orders, and instructions. Aesthetic rituals encourage noble moral feelings and the desire to match one’s vocation; they bring up in firefighters a sense of beauty in the service and in everyday life. The symbols of the service play a special role, as rituals have a symbolic and aesthetic character. The ceremony of awarding the banner — a symbol of honor — is one of the most important traditions. The EMERCOM system has established a tradition — future firefighters give a solemn oath of allegiance to the Motherland at the monuments of military glory, and in places of heroic battles for freedom and independence. The day of graduation of young professionals from education institutions is the most important event in the life of each student. This festive activity always takes place in the city square. The aesthetic traditions are aimed at the formation of high professional, civil, moral, psychological and aesthetic qualities of future firefighters, and acquaint them with the rich experience of fire protection.
Key words: Fire service; firefighters; aesthetics; aesthetic traditions; rituals; customs; ceremony; symbols; code of honor; parade marches.
For citation
Shirshov, V. D. Aesthetic Traditions in the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia / V. D. Shirshov, I. N. Romanova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №11. – P. 138-143.