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Regionalization of Social and Ecological Education: Approach and Content
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Abstract: One of the strategic goals of the policy of Russia today is regionalization of education, which is viewed as one of the criteria of transition to the stable development in Russia. Regionalization of education determines the change of the educational paradigm aimed at innovative development. According to the federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” educational establishments can develop and implement their regional programs of education development with regard to the national traditions, regional socio-economic, ecological, cultural, and demographic features of the region. One of the important trends in education regionalization is modernization of socio-ecological education. Perfection and modernization of socio-ecological education is realized with the help of introduction of regional determinants in learning, in the basis of which lie ethno-cultural, ecological and socio-pedagogical approaches. Ethno-cultural approach attracts attention of the social institutions to the regional ethnic and cultural features of development. Ecological approach allows to reveal the current problems in the sphere of natural resources use and to analyze the system of socio-ecological links of a man and nature. Socio-pedagogical approach helps to establish cooperation, mediation and partnership of a teacher and students. The article describes the content of socio-ecological education from the point of view of all the above-mentioned approaches; it argues that formation of socio-ecological culture of a person is an important goal of education.
Key words: Regionalization of education; social-and-ecological education; ethnocultural approach; ecological approach; socio-pedagogical approach.
For citation
Niyazova, A. A. Regionalization of Social and Ecological Education: Approach and Content / A. A. Niyazova, Y. N. Galaguzova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №2. – P. 35-39.