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Construction Set as a Means of Comprehension of the World of Professions by Preschoolers
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Abstract: The article substantiates the need to develop, create and introduce into the educational process construction sets made in Russia that might reflect the mentality of Russian citizens and meet the requirements and needs of modern Russian education. The importance of teaching preschoolers on the basis of a construction sets is revealed. The authors analyze a number of views of researchers in the field of education and pedagogy, who write about the effectiveness of a construction set, as a means of developing abilities in children aged 6 to 8 years. The authors say that the leading activity of preschoolers is experimentation and play. Based on the realities of the current socio-economic situation in Russia and the situation in the market of children's and educational construction sets, the authors propose a solution - creating a cycle of "real" modeling sets reflecting the existing technological processes in factories. Such sets, in the opinion of the authors, will become a universal tool for the development of children's knowledge of the world of professions. The authors describe the technology of creating a construction set: materials and tools, processing, topics and stories and give methodological recommendations for their use. The authors prove the relevance of the "real" construction set for teaching preschoolers and publish the results of an online survey that was conducted among educators.
Key words: Construction set; vocational guidance; preschoolers; fine motor skills; construction.
For citation
Vokhmina, T. S. Construction Set as a Means of Comprehension of the World of Professions by Preschoolers / T. S. Vokhmina, P. V. Zuyev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №3. – P. 35-39.