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The Sphere of Art and Pedagogical Education in Russia: Retrospective and Perspective
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Abstract: The rapid growth of socio-cultural innovations and the development of electronic communication technologies and digital forms of art stimulated new trends in art education and caused the search for new ways and means of innovative development, which is mentioned in psychological and pedagogical research works and regulations. Thus, one of the urgent tasks of modern art and pedagogical education is the increase of the quality of professional training of prospective teachers according to the requirements of the labour market and the employers. At the same time sociological surveys revealed that higher school administration don’t have deep knowledge of current trends in art education and its specific features in retrospective and perspective. The goal of the article is to identify and analyze the peculiarities of innovative features of art and pedagogical education, which make the basis for the elaboration of a new strategy of innovative development of art education in modern conditions. The following research methods were applied: publications review, innovative pedagogical experience assessment, survey among art school administration and the analysis of its results. Based on theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical studies of the recent years, the article gives a more precise definition of the concept “space of art and pedagogical education”, pointing at its specific characteristics: artistic synergy, poly-cultural nature, diversified configuration, synthesis of traditions and innovations, continuity and consistency of education, individualization, social activity, synthesis of art education and artwork and information support. Proceeding from these, the article singles out three stages of innovative activity in art education: innovation initiation; innovative processes modeling; transformation of the content of art education. The results of this research may be the basis for the development of new and traditional specialties of art and pedagogical education, development of educational programs and individual learning trajectories of students in the system of continuous education.
Key words: Art education; learning space; educational trajectories; pedagogical innovations; innovative pedagogical technologies.
For citation
Perevyshina, N. Y. The Sphere of Art and Pedagogical Education in Russia: Retrospective and Perspective / N. Y. Perevyshina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №3. – P. 13-19.