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Implementation of Family-Centered Care Approach in Speech Therapy Support for Toddlers, Preschoolers and Their Parents
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Abstract: The article presents a brief description of the new promising areas of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities that have arisen during the last decade; it focuses on the implementation of family-centered approach in work with toddlers and preschoolers with developmental disabilities and their parents. The implementation of the family-centered approach is considered in practical terms on the basis of an experimental study conducted on the basis of preschool departments of educational organizations in Moscow, which was attended by toddlers and preschoolers with disabilities and their mothers. In parallel with the study of communication skills of children, a study of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and their motivational readiness to help their child with developmental abnormalities in adapting to the world was conducted. Diagnostics was realized in the forms of a survey and a test, which identified different level of psychological and pedagogical competence of mothers in the ontogeny and dysontogenesis of development of toddlers and preschoolers; they helped to reveal the request of parents for support in solution of developmental problems of their children and determined the level of anxiety of mothers about the problems of the development of their children. Based on the results of the diagnosis, four groups of parents were identified, taking into account the level of psychological and pedagogical competence and attitude to the problems of their child. The article presents the main directions and content of consultative work with parents, describes the main aspects of their special training, and analyzes the results. The change in the system of personal values of parents, their attitude to the problems of their child, and active involvement in the correctional and educational process is the key to a successful process of habilitation and socialization of toddlers and preschoolers with developmental disabilities.
Key words: Special education; inclusion; inclusive education; pre-school education; pre-school educational establishments; children with disabilities; disabilities; speech therapy; speech therapy of preschoolers; parents.
For citation
Astakhova, L. B. Implementation of Family-Centered Care Approach in Speech Therapy Support for Toddlers, Preschoolers and Their Parents / L. B. Astakhova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №4. – P. 113-119.