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Methodological Support of English Language Teaching of Schoolchildren by Means of Theatrical Activity
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Abstract: This article is devoted to the methodological support of English language teaching of schoolchildren by means of theatrical activity in the sphere of additional linguistic education. For every English lesson in these circumstances, the objectives are distinguished, which are divided into: educational (focused on formation of the students’ communication skills in the studied language); pedagogical (to arouse students' interest to the studied language, a tolerant attitude to the people of the foreign country, education of respect to customs, culture and traditions of peoples whose language is studied); developing (to form cognitive abilities of schoolchildren, to develop cognitive aspects of their mental activity: memory, thinking, attention and imagination) and practical (to teach students to speak English in spontaneous communication situations). In this paper, the steps of work at the theatrical performance are distinguished and revealed: acquaintance with the composition (collective reading of the composition, understanding of its meaning); the distribution of roles and learning of the text (the performance of different character roles contribute to the adaptation of schoolchildren to different models of social behavior); setting (the step when the producer directs the performers to their necessary location on the stage, determines the properties for them, sets out the characters movement); working off (its correct reading in a foreign language with the right intonation for further reproduction on the stage); run-through; dress rehearsal (the final version of the performance before the premiere); premiere (the official presentation of the performance to the audience); report. A good staged performance in English positively influences the development of the foreign communicative competence of schoolchildren who study English in the sphere of additional education.
Key words: Theatrical performance; additional language education; foreign language communicative competence; stage; interactive teaching; English; methods of teaching English at university.
For citation
Kopylova, Y. V. Methodological Support of English Language Teaching of Schoolchildren by Means of Theatrical Activity / Y. V. Kopylova // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №5. – P. 61-67.