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Exercises in Listening Foreign-Language Texts for Students of Non-linguistic Universities
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Abstract: The article reveals the problem of the theory and practice of exercises in the method of teaching listening comprehension to students of a non-linguistic university. The analysis of the systems and classifications of exercises aimed at developing listening skills existing in the domestic and foreign methodological literature is presented. The author's sequence of types of educational activity is described when working with authentic information broadcasts of information genres, which includes the anticipation of difficulties in understanding authentic radio broadcasts of information genres, first listening to the broadcast, second listening to the broadcast, and interpretation of the problems of the authentic radio information broadcast. Anticipation of difficulties in understanding authentic radio broadcasts of information genres presupposes overcoming the language difficulties of radio transmission, overcoming the content difficulties of radio transmission, creating motivation and interest among students for the stated topic of an authentic information broadcast, and enhancing intellectual abilities of students. The first listening tasks are to understand the main content of the authentic radio broadcast of the information genre, to do exercises on the definition of the genre, the location of the radio broadcast, the gender, the profession and the number of participants in the authentic information broadcast and others. Second listening to the authentic information broadcast implies the tasks of a detailed understanding of the content of the authentic information broadcast. Interpretation of the problematics of the audited authentic information broadcast implies a transfer of the main content of the authentic radio broadcast of the information genre in the form of a review, as well as the expression of one's own opinion on the topic of the radio broadcast. The article contains examples of a set of exercises aimed at developing the listening skills of authentic radio broadcast materials of information genres, each of which corresponds to the developed sequence of types of learning activity when working with authentic radio broadcast materials.
Key words: Exercises; teaching listening comprehension; non-linguistic universities; foreign-language texts; students; foreign languages; methods of teaching foreign languages.
For citation
Kolesova, E. M. Exercises in Listening Foreign-Language Texts for Students of Non-linguistic Universities / E. M. Kolesova, L. E. Zelenina // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №6. – P. 62-68.