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Development of the Information System «Kafedra» for Generation and Storage of Documents
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Abstract: Despite the availability of ready-made samples and templates, teachers have to spend considerable time preparing material for compiling the necessary documents. One of the directions of solving this problem is the development of an automated information system for organizing work with the documents of the department. This system involves the creation of a single database, which is necessary for storing the information used to prepare documents aimed at providing the learning process, as well as the interaction of the staff of the department with each other and with external structures. The development of this system is an important direction for increasing the efficiency of the work not only of the department or university, but of the whole system of higher education in modern Russia. The most convenient means of developing and presenting an information system is the unified modeling language (UML). Using UML, you can visualize, specify, design, and document any software system. In the article the main stages and diagrams of designing the IS «Kafedra» are considered. An example of a database for storing and processing information used in the department documents is given. The author together with the students of the university developed a project designed to enter data into the database and generate ready-made work programs for a given discipline, as well as a project for inputting and processing data containing information on an effective teacher's contract. Drafting plans and reports are being prepared. The projected system «Kafedra» is called to unite all these projects in a single system that facilitates convenient and rational work of teachers with documents.
Key words: Document generation; template; information system; diagrams; electronic document management; information technologies; document storage; universities.
For citation
Kudryavtsev, A. V. Development of the Information System «Kafedra» for Generation and Storage of Documents / A. V. Kudryavtsev // Pedagogical Education in Russia. – 2018. – №8. – P. 83-88.